Coliform Bacteria are microorganisms that are present in soil, sewage, surface water and very shallow groundwater. Most coliform bacteria are harmless, but the presence of coliform bacteria in drinking water indicates a possible contamination problem in the drinking water system. Contamination of the well or distribution system (plumbing into the home) may provide an opportunity for harmful bacteria to enter the drinking water creating a potential health hazard.

Fecal coliforms are a subgroup of total coliforms that are present in the gut and waste (feces) of warm-blooded animals. Fecal coliforms are considered a more accurate indication of contamination by animal or human waste than the total coliforms.

Measure Description:

  • Fecal Coliform Tests is the number of tests for Fecal Coliforms conducted on private water wells.
  • Positive Fecal Coliform Tests is the number of positive tests for Fecal Coliforms conducted on private water wells.
  • Percent Positive Fecal Coliform Tests is the number of tests for Fecal Coliforms conducted on private water wells that were positive.

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