The Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) program is a grant program operating throughout the state that funds local community-based projects with the intention of preventing adolescent pregnancies.  Projects must include a variety of components, including:

  • Community coalition building to address the systemic factors that contribute to adolescent pregnancy (i.e., schools, churches, human-service providers and businesses)
  • Comprehensive programming that focuses on the prevention of initial pregnancies during the adolescent years, including:
    • Workshops and informational programs for adolescents and parents of adolescents;
    • Programs for adolescents that promote healthy relationships and improve attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge around sexual health; and
    • Programs that utilize peer counseling or peer education techniques to prevent adolescent pregnancy.
  • Services to pregnant and parenting adolescents, including:
    • Programs intended to prevent subsequent pregnancies for parenting adolescents;
    • Programs that provide support and education to young parents; and
    • Programs specifically for young fathers.

Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention