Medicaid is a joint Federal and State program that helps pay medical costs for individuals with limited income and resources. Individuals with Medicare Part A and/or Part B, who have limited income and resources, may get help paying for their out-of-pocket medical expenses from their State Medicaid Program.

Who does Medicare Savings Program cover?

Individuals with limited income and resources who get Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and/or Medicare Part B (Medical insurance)

Four Types of Medicare Savings Programs

What services are covered by Medicare Savings Programs?

Iowa has programs that can help pay your Medicare expenses, like your premiums, deductible and coinsurance.

You’ll also get Extra Help paying for your prescription drugs. Extra Help is a Medicare program for people with limited income and resources that helps lower Medicare drug plan costs (like premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance).

Where can I get medical care?

You may continue to go to your Medicare providers for all medical care.

How do I apply for Medicare Savings Program?